Thursday, April 11, 2013

Share your tips for surviving the first 6 weeks with a new baby

The first six weeks with a new baby are really hard for most parents...there's a unique exhaustion created by the combination of lack of sleep and figuring out how to care for something you feel more responsibility for than you've ever felt for anything.

As a childbirth educator, I struggle with how vividly to paint the picture of this ahead of time...I don't want to scare the pants of people without having something to contribute to offset that.

At a parent-baby group this week, we brainstormed a way forward...collecting tips from parents who are in or have recently emerged from the fog of early parenting. What helped you? What do you wish you'd known ahead of time? Are there things you would do differently?

Please use the Comments section to offer your suggestions. I will include the suggestions in future printings of the Birth Zone class booklet.

Thanks everyone!